
From Jamie Lonsdale's new album, FOOTPRINTS, featuring Sasky Louison. Released 10th April 2020 on Arts Records.

Listen to more songs by Jamie on his FOOTPRINTS Playlist here | The new album, FOOTPRINTS, is available for purchase here

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Why is Butterfly special to you?

I love the steady methodical rhythm that runs through the whole song, not to forget the wonderful chimes of the clock.   I can feel the pain of these two friends living in their own isolation.   How many people have experienced this?  I hope this song will touch you; you are not alone….

What do you love the most about the finished song?

Quite simply, it takes me to a very special somewhere, almost into a trance.

What was the inspiration to write Butterfly?

All too often in life, friends fall out usually over something, in hindsight, quite trivial.   Instead of cherishing things in common, we let the petty differences engulf us which then divides the relationship, whether physically, or emotionally.

Butterfly touches on this and the tinge of regret that two people may hold, sometimes years later…..what might have been?

Explore Butterfly, and cast your mind back……….

Who did you write the song with and why?

I love the steady methodical rhythm that runs through the whole song, not to forget the wonderful chimes of the clock.   I can feel the pain of these two friends living in their own isolation.   How many people have experienced this?  I hope this song will touch you; you are not alone….

My name is Jamie Lonsdale, and I'm a singer/songwriter.

Music for me as a child was always my hobby; and now it has become my passion and a big part of my life. I started my career in the Royal Navy - it didn’t even cross my mind that one day I would record an album. My first song came to me five years ago, and luckily for me, they keep on coming…

I try and enjoy my life to the full. I’ve been touched by joy, blessings, and at rare moments, tragic loss; music has supported me throughout all of this. All these experiences have triggered deep emotions, and this I feel has empowered my songwriting.


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