Alleluia - feat. Mary-Jess

From Jamie Lonsdale's new album, FOOTPRINTS, featuring Mary-Jess. Released 10th April 2020 on Arts Records.

Listen to more songs by Jamie on his FOOTPRINTS Playlist here | The new album, FOOTPRINTS, is available for purchase here

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Why is Alleluia special to you?

Ok, I like to see a few tears in the audience when I sing sad songs;  it makes me feel a genuine connection.  However, with Alleluia, it’s the polar extreme opposite of a sad song.

It’s so full of joy, appreciation, and positivity;  it feeds faith in all good aspirations, and bids good riddance  to all things negative.

What do you love the most about the finished song?

I love the way that Robert Emery has so cleverly orchestrated the music, the choral echoes, and the chance for Mary-Jess to excel in what she does by launching herself vocally into the stratosphere.   I think the song just works, but I’ll let you be the judge.

What was the inspiration to write Alleluia?

Singing Alleluia is good for the soul;  it’s all about rejoicing, giving thanks for all the blessings in our life (that sometimes we take for granted).  It’s about being joyful, and it certainly reminds me to enjoy the moment and to appreciate friends, family, good health, and special occasions.

Who did you write the song with and why?

Mary-Jess, John Butler and I came up with this song in minutes when we had our collaboration session;  we were truly blessed by working together, it came so naturally.   The song today is very little changed from that first time jamming our way through.

My name is Jamie Lonsdale, and I'm a singer/songwriter.

Music for me as a child was always my hobby; and now it has become my passion and a big part of my life. I started my career in the Royal Navy - it didn’t even cross my mind that one day I would record an album. My first song came to me five years ago, and luckily for me, they keep on coming…

I try and enjoy my life to the full. I’ve been touched by joy, blessings, and at rare moments, tragic loss; music has supported me throughout all of this. All these experiences have triggered deep emotions, and this I feel has empowered my songwriting.


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