Set Yourself Free

From Jamie Lonsdale's new album, FOOTPRINTS, featuring Mary-Jess. Released 10th April 2020 on Arts Records.

Listen to more songs by Jamie on his FOOTPRINTS Playlist here | The new album, FOOTPRINTS, is available for purchase here

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Why is Set Yourself Free special to you?

This was the first time in my life that I’ve jammed with another singer and pianist.   I can’t describe it…..but I’ll try.   It’s like living life on the edge; John, Mary-Jess and I all making music, whatever came into our heads; it’s extraordinary what then happens.   In this life, so much of what we do is controlled;  how refreshing it was to step over that boundary.   When 3 musicians jam, it’s not three times better than working on my own, it’s to the power of three!   I recommend it!

What do you love the most about the finished song?

Robert Emery is a genius;  he has orchestrated Set Yourself Free for 55 players in the Arts Symphonic Orchestra and in doing so, he has made the song what it is today.   All John’s beautiful original chords have been embellished, and Mary-Jess has worked her magic by floating her voice up to the stratosphere.

What a privilege it is to be able to work with such talent.   My thanks go to them.

What was the inspiration to write Set Yourself Free?

Over recent years I have made a note of wonderful thoughts or sayings that I’ve found very inspirational and helpful in life.  On 28 October 2018, I was in a taxi returning from dinner in Pimlico, and I made a recording putting all these to a very basic melody.   I thought how wonderful it would be to inspire others to confront their fears.

Who did you write the song with and why?

Mary-Jess and I have each independently written duets which we have had great pleasure performing in England and Hong Kong;  we both felt that the time had come to write a duet together.   Luckily Mary-Jess knew the pianist John Butler, and together the three of us met up on 30 October 2018 in Pimlico to spend a few hours collaborating.   We recorded it all, and then we worked with the great orchestrator Robert Emery who completed this extraordinary orchestration.

My name is Jamie Lonsdale, and I'm a singer/songwriter.

Music for me as a child was always my hobby; and now it has become my passion and a big part of my life. I started my career in the Royal Navy - it didn’t even cross my mind that one day I would record an album. My first song came to me five years ago, and luckily for me, they keep on coming…

I try and enjoy my life to the full. I’ve been touched by joy, blessings, and at rare moments, tragic loss; music has supported me throughout all of this. All these experiences have triggered deep emotions, and this I feel has empowered my songwriting.


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