Agnus Dei

From Jamie Lonsdale's new album, FOOTPRINTS featuring guest artist, Miranda Heldt. Released 10th April 2020 on Arts Records.

Listen to more songs by Jamie on his FOOTPRINTS Playlist here | The new album, FOOTPRINTS, is available for purchase here

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Why is Agnus Dei special to you?

I spent much of my childhood singing in school choirs, attending compulsory church; and clearly something rubbed off on me.  I enjoy church, and the fellowship of coming together to worship and sing.   I spent 20 years as a Church Warden of St John the Baptist Church in Kingston Lisle, and it was fun to kick-start the Kingston Lisle Festival Choir receiving much encouragement from Bishop Peter, the retired Bishop of Norwich.   Bishop Peter became a great friend to me, and inspired me to create my own personal book of prayer.   Thinking and praying for others helps us to avoid the temptation of being too self-absorbed.

Agnus Dei, I find very helpful;  it makes me feel more grounded, calmer, and secure in the comforting faith that Jesus loves us all, regardless of our sins.

What do you love the most about the finished song?

Agnus Dei fast-tracks me to that same feeling that I receive attending church.   The beauty now is that I can tap into this feeling at any time during the week.   Hopefully others might feel similarly inspired.

What was the inspiration to write Agnus Dei?

I wrote this Agnus Dei for soprano and tenor sitting at a piano in the Music Studios in Marylebone Lane on 1 March 2018.  The Music Studios is an extraordinary place for creativity;  there are 13 piano practice rooms; as you climb the stairs, you can hear all genres of music from pop, musical theatre auditions, opera, and jazz, all sung by some of the finest voices in London.   The very mood lends itself to creativity.

Who did you write the song with and why?

This time I wrote the song alone, very much motivated by my love and respect for Jesus and my wanting to express my joy each week at receiving Holy Communion.  I always found Latin incredibly difficult at school;  woe betide us if we didn’t score 10 out of 10 in each test!   The gist of the lyrics are “Lamb of God,  who takes away the sins of the World, have mercy upon us.  Take away the sins of the World, Lamb of God, grant us thy peace.”

This comes at an important part of the Holy Communion, all of which for me provides opportunity to reboot the soul; a chance once again to chase one’s better self.

My name is Jamie Lonsdale, and I'm a singer/songwriter.

Music for me as a child was always my hobby; and now it has become my passion and a big part of my life. I started my career in the Royal Navy - it didn’t even cross my mind that one day I would record an album. My first song came to me five years ago, and luckily for me, they keep on coming…

I try and enjoy my life to the full. I’ve been touched by joy, blessings, and at rare moments, tragic loss; music has supported me throughout all of this. All these experiences have triggered deep emotions, and this I feel has empowered my songwriting.


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